This is my friend Angela. She's brave, real brave.
And right now she's back in Haiti teaching my classes for me this week while I'm in the DR. Thanks Angela!
Now for a story:
For a moment everything was calm. My bus of screaming, squealing, heckling Haitian men had finally, FINALLY fallen into a nice deep sleep. Slight annoyed that one of the louder of the absurdly loud men had chosen to plop himself down beside me, I craned my aching neck as far in the other direction as possible, and proceeded to fade into the peaceful sounds of Dominican raindrops against the bus window.
Sometime later, being only slightly aware of our halt, I peered through the crack of my eyelids and focused my vision. My stare was instantly met with a pistol. Now granted my seat was reclined and it was only the handle of the gun hanging out of a man’s belt that was visible, but still…it was most definitely all up in my grill. And it most definitely made my heart skip a beat.
About this time, being especially pleased the large loud Haitian was squeezed in the seat beside me, I calmly told myself to go back to sleep.
Making eye contact, I was certain, would result in the armed Dominican yelling, “YOU…come with me” pointing at the only little white girl in sight.
Because of such intuition I quickly closed my eyes to maintain the appearance of a sincere snooze, and then…boom, sound asleep for another several hours.
I can’t actually recall the last time I snuggled down in a tiny Haitian bus seat falling into a deep state of REM sleep after coming face to face with an plain clothed Dominican man baring arms and making rounds on our bus…however, it seemed to come quite naturally.
The End
As for today, It's a rainy day...and i'm talking RAINY. I could easily make today a 3 poster, but I'll save the next post for another rainy day (aka tomorrow).
This song's for Angela, but in no way represents her as a person.
by The Walkmen
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