
Word of Advice: Tiptoe Through the Tulips

Tomorrow I move to Haiti. I am so very excited!

I have been trying to tie up loose ends and finalize my packing for the past two days – making a rather halfhearted effort to combine all of my scattered to do lists and check off each task. 

The entire preparation process really reminds me of something I saw recently…

Actually, packing for Haiti does not remind me of this in the slightest…but it is a great little clip don’t you think?

Oh and I really hope you like this new Sufjan! This entire new album, to quote a friend, will most definitely be "The Soundtrack of the Week".

All Delighted People by user2355813
"All Delighted People" By Sufjan Stevens

1 comment:

  1. Claire White31.8.10

    that youtube video is CREEPY
